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楼 主  海运业务英语缩略语 [2006-6-4 15:26:00]
越洋勇士 勇士
鲜花: (0支)
鸡蛋: (0枚)

简称 中文解释 英文全称

A/W 全水路 All Water

ANER 亚洲北美东行运费协定 Asia NorthAmerica EastboundRate

B/L 海运提单 Bill of Lading

B/R 买价 Buying Rate

BAF 燃油附加费 Bunker AdjustmentFactor


C.C 运费到付 Collect

C.S.C 货柜服务费 Container Service Charge

C.Y. 货柜场 Container Yard

C/(CNEE) 收货人 Consignee

C/O 产地证 Certificate of Origin

CAF 货币汇率附加费 Currency Adjustment Factor

CFS 散货仓库 Container Freight Station

CFS/CFS 散装交货(起点/终点)  

CHB 报关行 Customs House Broker


CIP 运费、保险费付至目的地 Carriage and Insurance Paid To

COMM 商品 Commodity

CPT 运费付至目的地 Carriage Paid To

CTNR 柜子 Container

CY/CY 整柜交货(起点/终点)  

D/A 承兑交单 Document Against Acceptance

D/O 到港通知 Delivery Order

D/P 付款交单 Document Against Payment

DAF 边境交货 Delivered At Frontier

DDC 目的港码头费 Destination Delivery Charge

DDP 完税后交货 Delivered Duty Paid

DDU 未完税交货 Delivered Duty Unpaid

DEQ 目的港码头交货 Delivered Ex Quay

DES 目的港船上交货 Delivered Ex Ship

Doc# 文件号码 Document Number

EPS 设备位置附加费 Equipment Position Surcharges

Ex 工厂交货 Work/ExFactory

F/F 货运代理 Freight Forwarder

FAF 燃料附加费 Fuel AdjustmentFactor

FAK 各种货品 Freight All Kind

FAS 装运港船边交货 Free Alongside Ship

FCA 货交承运人 Free Carrier

FCL 整柜 Full Container Load

Feeder Vessel/Lighter 驳船航次  

FEU 40‘柜型 Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit 40’

FMC 联邦海事委员会 Federal Maritime Commission

FOB 船上交货 Free On Board

GRI 全面涨价 General RateIncrease

H/C 代理费 Handling Charge

HBL 子提单 House B/L

I/S 内销售 Inside Sales

IA 各别调价 Independent Action

L/C 信用证 Letter of Credit

Land Bridge 陆桥  

LCL 拼柜 Less Than Container Load

M/T 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) Measurement Ton

MB/L 主提单 Master Bill Of Loading

MLB 小陆桥,自一港到另一港口 Minni Land Bridge

Mother Vessel 主线船  

MTD 多式联运单据 Multimodal Transport Document

N/F 通知人 Notify

NVOCC 无船承运人 Non Vessel OperatingCommon Carrier

O/F 海运费 Ocean Freight

OBL 海运提单 Ocean (or original )B/L

OCP 货主自行安排运到内陆点 Overland Continental Point

OP *作 Operation

ORC 本地收货费用(广东省收取) Origen Recevie Charges

P.P 预付 Prepaid

PCS 港口拥挤附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge

POD 目地港 Port Of Destination

POL 装运港 Port Of Loading

PSS 旺季附加费 Peak Season Sucharges

S/(Shpr) 发货人 Shipper

S/C 售货合同 Sales Contract

S/O 装货指示书 Shipping Order

S/R 卖价 Selling Rate

S/S Spread Sheet Spread Sheet

SC 服务合同 Service Contract

SSL 船公司 Steam Ship Line

T.O.C 码头*作费 Terminal Operations Option

T.R.C 码头收柜费 Terminal Receiving Charge

T/S 转船,转运 Trans-Ship

T/T 航程 Transit Time

TEU 20‘柜型 Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit 20’

THC 码头*作费(香港收取) Terminal Handling Charges

TTL 总共 Total

TVC/ TVR 定期定量合同 Time Volume Contract/ Rate

VOCC 船公司 Vessel Operating Common Carrier

W/M 即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费 Weight or Measurement ton

W/T 重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费) Weight Ton

YAS 码头附加费 Yard Surcharges

Chinese Style: It was so late there was no taxi.
American Style: It was so late that there was no taxi available.
Chinese Style: Your coat is broken.
American Style: Your coat is torn.

Chinese Style: Let me help you to do your work.
American Style: Let me help you with your work.

Chinese Style: Susan didn‘t make a fault anyway.
American Style: Susan didn‘t make a mistake anyway.

Chinese Style: He becomes better.
American Style: He got better.

Chinese Style: I recommend you to take a long vacation.
American Style: I recommend that you take a long vacation.

Chinese Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o‘clock. It‘s about eleven now, Hurry up !
American Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o‘clock. It‘s nearly eleven now, Hurry up !

Chinese Style: It was still bright outside.
American Style: It was still light outside.

Chinese Style: The hall can seat two hundred people.
American Style: The hall seats two hundred people.

Chinese Style: Anywhere will do.
American Style: Any place will do.

Chinese Style: Wait here please, I‘ll come back in a minute.
American Style: Wait here please, I‘ll be back in a minute.

Chinese Style: I am uncomfortable.
American Style: I don‘t feel well.

Chinese Style: Common students in US don‘t wear a uniform.
American Style: The average student in US don‘t wear a uniform.

Chinese Style: Who cooked this salad ?
American Style: Who made this salad ?

Chinese Style: His restaurant attracts lots of customers.
American Style: His restaurant attracts lots of guests.

Chinese Style: My friend Tony died in a traffic accident.
American Style: My friend Tony was killed in a traffic accident.

Chinese Style: Different from me, she is proficient in English.
American Style: Unlike me, she is proficient in English.

Chinese Style: Little children are difficult to understand that.
American Style: It is difficult for children to understand that.

Chinese Style: Don‘t step on the grass.
American Style: Keep off the grass.

Chinese Style: I get my salary twice a month.
American Style: I get paid twice a month..

Chinese Style: Would you like a drink ?
American Style: Would you like something to drink ?

Chinese Style: Let me examine your pulse.
American Style: Let me feel your pulse.

Chinese Style: I have no exercise talent.
American Style: I am not athletic.

Chinese Style: Don‘t expect me too much.
American Style: Don‘t expect too much from (of ) me.

Chinese Style: I know his face.
American Style: I know him by sight.

Chinese Style: I forget my hat in the house.
American Style: I left my hat in the house.

Chinese Style: Lend me some money, for instance 500 dollars, Lin
American Style: Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, Lin

Chinese Style: I have a free time.
American Style: I am free.

Chinese Style: The sun rises from the East.
American Style: The sun rises in the East.

Chinese Style: The thief got in from the window.
American Style: The thief got in through the window.

Chinese Style: Let‘s begin from page 10.
American Style: Let‘s begin at ( on ) page 10.

Chinese Style: Did you attend college ?
American Style: Did you go to college ?

Chinese Style: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up to go.
American Style: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up the idea.

Chinese Style: I‘ll go there at three.
American Style: I‘ll be there at three.

Chinese Style: I am going back my home.
American Style: I am going home.

Chinese Style: His temperature went down.
American Style: His temperature came down.

Chinese Style: I like green color.
American Style: I like green.

Chinese Style: Today‘s newspapers has his articles on Taiwan.
American Style: Today‘s newspapers carries his articles on Taiwan.

Chinese Style: Give me money, if you have.
American Style: Give me money, if you have any.

Chinese Style: You‘ll have a cold if you sleep with your window open.
American Style: You‘ll catch a cold if you sleep with your window open.

Chinese Style: Somebody‘s knocking on the door. Go and see who he is.
American Style: Somebody‘s knocking on the door. Go and see who it is.

Chinese Style: The head office is in Taipei.
American Style: The main office is in Taipei.

Chinese Style: He cannot read and write.
American Style: He cannot read or write.

Chinese Style: Where is here.
American Style: Where are we.

Chinese Style: How heavy are you ?
American Style: How much do you weigh ?

Chinese Style: He was talking in a high voice.
American Style: He was talking loud.

Chinese Style: Most Westerners have high noses.
American Style: Most Westerners have long noses.

Chinese Style: Are you home tomorrow.
American Style: Are you at home tomorrow.

Chinese Style: How does she look like ?
American Style: What does she look like ?

Chinese Style: This is the way how I did it.
American Style: This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it.

Chinese Style: How do you think about Taiwan.
American Style: What do you think about Taiwan.

Chinese Style: How can I do ?
American Style: What can I do ?

Chinese Style: " How long have you been in Taiwan ?"
" Six months "
" How about Chinese food ?"
American Style: " How long have you been in Taiwan ? "
" Six months "
" Do you like Chinese food ?"

Chinese Style: I visited her ill mother in the hospital.
American Style: I visited her sick mother in the hospital.

Chinese Style: There is a limit in my patience.
American Style: There is a limit to my patience.

Chinese Style: Please wait inside the white line.
American Style: Please wait behind the white line.

Chinese Style: Is your house insured for fire ?
American Style: Is your house insured against fire ?

Chinese Style: I introduce Mr. Smith to you !
American Style: May I introduce Mr. Smith to you !

Chinese Style: She was first prize.
American Style: She took first prize.

Chinese Style: Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes I have it .
American Style: Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes, I have one.

Chinese Style: That was a traffic accident on my way here. It is why I was late.
American Style: That was a traffic accident on my way here. That is why I was late.

Chinese Style: She is wearing blue jeans pants.
American Style: She is wearing blue jeans.

Chinese Style: Keep the right.
American Style: Keep to the right.

Chinese Style: Last night I didn‘t keep my diary.
American Style: Last night I didn‘t write anything in my diary.

Chinese Style: The train was late about an hour.
American Style: The train was about an hour late.

Chinese Style: Leave your hand from the end of the wire.
American Style: Let go of the end of the wire.

Chinese Style: I was ten minutes late for the English lesson.
American Style: I was ten minutes late for the English class.

Chinese Style: How many Chinese letters do you know ?
American Style: How many Chinese characters do you know ?

Chinese Style: He is fighting for his life.
American Style: He is fighting for his bread.

Chinese Style: Why do you say like that.
American Style: Why do you say that.

Chinese Style: I have no house to live.
American Style: I have no house to live in.

Chinese Style: What a dirty face ! Look at the mirror.
American Style: What a dirty face ! Look in the mirror.

Chinese Style: He lost conciousness for a long time.
American Style: He was unconcious for a long time.

Chinese Style: He made a world record. [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]
American Style: He set a world record.

Chinese Style: Her marriage was happy.
American Style: Her married life was happy.

Chinese Style: Maybe I think so.
American Style: I think so.

Chinese Style: The club‘s members are 55.
American Style: There are 55 members in the club.

Chinese Style: They didn‘t understand my mind.
American Style: They didn‘t understand what I was thinking.

Chinese Style: This is where you mistake.
American Style: This is where you are mistaken.

Chinese Style: I felt good mood.
American Style: I am in a good mood.

Chinese Style: Please allow me more two hours.
American Style: Please allow me two more hours.

Chinese Style: My watch doesn‘t move at all. I must get it checked up.
American Style: My watch isn‘t running, I must get it checked up.

Chinese Style: We moved house to Johor last month.
American Style: We moved to Johor last month.

Chinese Style: He is our common friend.
American Style: He is our mutual friend.

Chinese Style: It was my first time to go abroad.
American Style: It was the first time I had gone abroad.

Chinese Style: While walking along the street, I met my friend.
American Style: While walking along the street, I met a friend of mine.

Chinese Style: My this book cost me nearly 300 dollars.
American Style: This book of mine cost me nearly 300 dollars.

Chinese Style: My room is narrow.
American Style: My room is small.

Chinese Style: I‘ll visit my native place for the first time in ten years this summer.
American Style: I‘ll visit my birth place for the first time in ten years this summer.

Chinese Style: Here is a pair of nice shoes.
American Style: Here is a nice pair of shoes.

Chinese Style: Is this seat empty.
American Style: Is this seat taken.

Chinese Style: Don‘t be noisy.
American Style: Be quiet.

Chinese Style: It is not of only your business.
American Style: It is none of your business.

Chinese Style: I will do anything I can do for you.
American Style: I will do anything I can for you.

Chinese Style: This is the key of my room.
American Style: This is the key to my room.

Chinese Style: I am going to take a two-year course of English.
American Style: I am going to take a two-year course in English.

Chinese Style: He treated me very friendly.
American Style: He treated me in a friendly way.

Chinese Style: This is the largest department store of the world.
American Style: This is the largest department store in the world.

Chinese Style: It‘s a novel of three volumes.
American Style: It‘s a novel in three volumes.

Chinese Style: He is a student of Harvard University.
American Style: He is a student at Harvard University.

Chinese Style: Do you know the meaning of the word of bumpy ?
American Style: Do you know the meaning of the word bumpy ?

Chinese Style: He had a child of his former wife.
American Style: He had a child by his former wife.

Chinese Style: She married old.
American Style: She married late in life.

Chinese Style: I saw it on the newspapers.
American Style: I read ( saw ) it in the newspapers.

Chinese Style: He is a liar, and you are one too.
American Style: He is a liar, and you are too.

Chinese Style: Open page 20 of your books.
American Style: Open your books to page 20.

Chinese Style: Our Chinese students are diligent.
American Style: We Chinese students are diligent.

Chinese Style: Don‘t make the office out of order.
American Style: Don‘t leave the office in a mess.

Chinese Style: I like to paint this door to black.
American Style: I‘d like to paint this door black.

Chinese Style: I have a Chinese pen friend.
American Style: I have a Chinese pen pal.

Chinese Style: Give me a phone.
American Style: Give me a phone call.

Chinese Style: Is there any place for me in the car.
American Style: Is there any room for me in the car.

Chinese Style: Let‘s play together.
American Style: Why don‘t you come over ?

Chinese Style: I was very pleasant today.
American Style: I had a very good time today.

Chinese Style: He got 87 points in chemistry.
American Style: He got an 87 in chemistry.

Chinese Style: Chang is a popular name in Taiwan.
American Style: Chang is a common name in Taiwan.

Chinese Style: I‘m a public servant.
American Style: I work for the government.

Chinese Style: She is pure.
American Style: She is naive.

Chinese Style: I have a question to you.
American Style: I have a question to ask you.

Chinese Style: This book deserves to read several times.
American Style: This book deserves to be read several times.

Chinese Style: I like red tea.
American Style: I like black tea.

Chinese Style: History repeats.
American Style: History repeats itself.

Chinese Style: I make a rule of going to bed early and get up early.
American Style: I make a rule to keep early hours.

Chinese Style: I went to the sea.
American Style: I went to the beach.

Chinese Style: The door was shut when I returned home.
American Style: The door was closed when I returned home.

Chinese Style: Shall we sit in that sofa ?
American Style: Shall we sit on that sofa ?

Chinese Style: This steak is soft.
American Style: This steak is tender.

Chinese Style: His new book will be sold well.
American Style: His new book will sell well.

Chinese Style: There‘re a lot of sparrows stopping on the telephone lines.
American Style: There‘re a lot of sparrows sitting on the telephone lines.

Chinese Style: He hit me strongly.
American Style: He hit me hard.

Chinese Style: My pay cannot support my living.
American Style: My pay is not enough to live on.

Chinese Style: He wants to establish a sweet home.
American Style: He wants to establish a happy home.

Chinese Style: Why don‘t you take a driving license.
American Style: Why don‘t you get a driving license.

Chinese Style: Last year I went to Seattle. I liked there very much.
American Style: Last year I went to Seattle. I liked it very much.

Chinese Style: My mother likes to drink thick tea.
American Style: My mother likes her tea strong.

Chinese Style: I think it will not rain tomorrow.
American Style: I don‘t think it will rain tomorrow.

Chinese Style: Is your camera this kind ?
American Style: Is your camera like this ?

Chinese Style: His house was struck by thunder last night.
American Style: His house was struck by lightning last night.

Chinese Style: My grandmother lived to eighty-five.
American Style: My grandmother lived to be eighty-five.

Chinese Style: I have a lot of work to be done.
American Style: I have a lot of work to do.

Chinese Style: To drink too much is bad for one‘s health.
American Style: Drinking too much is bad for one‘s health.

Chinese Style: Today is hot.
American Style: It‘s hot today.

Chinese Style: My father will be home today afternoon.
American Style: My father will be home this afternoon.

Chinese Style: What is the total sum ?
American Style: How much does it come to ?

Chinese Style: We changed our train at Woodland.
American Style: We changed trains at Woodland.

Chinese Style: I traveled to Europe.
American Style: I made a trip to Europe.

Chinese Style: I very like swimming.
American Style: I like swimming very much.

Chinese Style: Wait for your turn, please.
American Style: Wait your turn, please.

Chinese Style: What time is your watch.
American Style: What time is it by your watch.

Chinese Style: I don‘t know what did he say.
American Style: I don‘t know what he said.

Chinese Style: What do you feel now ?
American Style: How do you feel now ?

Chinese Style: What season do you like best ?
American Style: Which season do you like best ?

Chinese Style: Welcome you to Taiwan.
American Style: Welcome to Taiwan.


齿轮箱 救生和消防设备 预计抵达引航站
无论靠泊与否 港口租约 汽车专运船
无论到港与否 汽车卡车专运船 二船东
截补料 船舶速遣协议
合作 核心企业 波纹状的
药皮 可调浆传动 曲柄夹板

第 1 楼 回帖时间:2006-6-6 15:37:00
纪华 勇士

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