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楼 主  中远与中海将合并重组?[2013-1-12 17:20:00]
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March 14, Li Shaode, chairman of the Group headquarters met Wei Jiafu, chairman of COSCO Group

Printing of the recent rumors that two of the largest shipping companies in China COSCO Shipping or merger and reorganization, the TPM conference yesterday, general manager of COSCO Group Zehua did not deny the rumor, and said "any speculation.

Zehua also said that the cooperation of the two companies have been identified in the development, and also hope to promote cooperation between shipping companies by way of their cooperation. The COSCO officwww.mimenglt.comial website has also been published, CSCL, COSCO Group, COSCO Container Lines and China Shipping Group have reached a cooperation agreement in the domestic container transportation.

Previously, experts say CSCL COSCON domestic container business is forced by the current shipping market downturn situation, the two central enterprises for the first time in hand, market speculation I am afraid this is a crisis on the occasion of the two groups prelude to integration.

The poor performance forced the two major central enterprises to move closer to each other, to avoid vicious competition. In fact, once the Cosco and in the sea two together, the two sides by virtue of more than 60% market share, enough to suppress the price war, and inevitably snatch the market of small and medium-sized shipowners.

In fact, the industry who looked the the two shipping central enterprises in-depth cooperation to merge, split each of the containers, bulk cargo and tanker business, or even directly integrate.

As the same as the central rate of the two shipping giant, unusually frequent exchanges of senior management, and even mutual exchange and appointment. Now China Shipping Group President Xu Lirong, former vice president of COSCO Group; COSCO President Ma Zehua, the original second in command of the China Shipping Group.

Frequent exchanges of personnel, so that the two companies share a similar corporate culture and gene highly coincident business, more so that the two companies have integrated basis. Maybe something will become huge loss of the signs of the two central enterprise integration.

COSCO and China Shipping did not want to set the assessment whether the two groups have a deeper cooperation idea.

2013-1-12 17:20:00


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