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楼 主  救生衣可能救不了船员[2016-4-7 20:46:00]
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FM CPAT./Cheng zhiliang

DD 24 APR 2012


RE. Necessity of adding buoyant apparatuses to intensify individual seafarers or passengers saving ability

For a long time, life-jackets and lifeboats, as buoyant apparatuses, have saved quite a lot life of seafarers and passengers. With incremental appearance of immersion-suit, seafarers or passengers life security has  been more guaranteed in recent years.

However, life-jackets style and function have not been ameliorated and still don’t have ability of anti-cold, sheltering from sea, also without the method to bring some belongings for one’s life gather. And immersion-suit can’t provide enough buoyancy for chest therefore the faces are easy to be submerged or frostbitten by sea due to there are dissimilarity size with the stature and the shape of face each one, and are not convenient for actions and also same to the life-jackets unable to have belongings with body, it also can’t be grabbed by fingers still, immersion-suit can’t be worn when life-jackets are on.

Even though ships are equipped with four general normal buoyant apparatuses as lifeboats and life-rafts, immersion-suit, life-jackets, but in recent years, according to lifesaving site at sea and related results, it is obviously that the above four life-saving apparatuses have not promoted lifesaving rate of survival and effected so much because for sea disasters, most conditions happen in heavy stormy waves and or in cold water. And in heavy stormy waves and or in cold water, in the case of seafarers or passengers could not use life-raft or lifeboat in water, the thin life-jackets and immersion-suit which can’t keep warm and shelter from seas, so it can hardly keep long live for survivals, such as insufficient buoyancy of life-jackets and inconvenient actions, nothing will take for maintenance of physical strength etc., which have all made seafarers or passengers feel so regret and mistrust of buoyant apparatuses in calamities and eager to make related adaption and get promotion.

Therefore, a kind of pneumatic lifesaving buoyant apparatus is necessary in order to intensify seafarers or passengers individual ability of self-saving and all world seafarers or passengers need to solve defect and insufficient functions of immersion-suit and life-jackets.

This patent product can make accidental water-fallen seafarers or passengers accommodated with a small type of pneumatic raft that can solve temporary diet and fresh water, keep warm and shelter from seas in a short period. It is a lifesaving buoyant apparatus to guarantee seafarer’s life security. Hopefully, this product could be adopted and accommodated in force by SOLAS in three years.

This Personal Life-raft (PLR) should be used as below instructed:

1.     Seafarers can take it on back just like wearing a bag after putting on immersion-suit or life-jackets also needed to make secure interim with body and no release the CO2 before in water.

2.     When in water, after pulling out air-filled CO2 raft, it can be filled with air and will form as a nearly a squared buoyant apparatus with inner bottom as big as one-man after extension.

3.     Right now, it can just drift seafarer’s body. It has buoyant body, warm-keeping bag, sheltering cover, stored water & food, buoyant body filling air pipe, sheltering cover blowing air pipe, folded up plastic watertight torch, torch for using in water, wrapping belts, buoyant body connection to for towing and or with other, sea water self -turning light, red fire and one instruction.

This Personal Life-raft (PLR) can not only intensify independent seafarer or passenger buoyancy and anti-wave ability and can keep warm in some degree but also can strengthen guarantee for lift security and possibility of being found by others.  One buoyant apparatus body can connect with another one to encourage each other, promote seafarer’s existent consciousness and confidence.

It is believed that the Personal Life-raft (PLR) will be used for seafarers all over the world rapidly and applauded by International Marine Organizations as the company’s human conscious promotion and logical rational the cost management (the expense for one seafarer’s life can buy PLR for more than 10 ship’s crew).

Yours truly.

B.RDGS/ Master of MV.。。。
2016-4-7 20:46:00


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